First thing

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Kiwi Fruit! far more than you realize

First named the Chinese Gooseberry this fruit was first introduced to western cultivation in New Zealand in the early 1900's. The first major exports to major markets happened in the 1950's. Produce entrepreneur, Frieda Caplan, found the original name of the fruit unmarketable and pushed for a new name. As New Zealand was the site of Caplan's source for the fruit she had the idea to rename the fruit after the native Kiwi Bird, as the furry brown skin was similar to the bird's appearance. Thus the new band identity for the Kiwi Fruit was born. In the 1980's kiwi fruit experienced a rise in popularity and was shipped to many western countries like the United States. Despite the new popularity and unmistakable appearance of the kiwi fruit it still does not receive proper credit for its incredible health benefits.

At the top of the list is vitamin-C. One kiwi fruit contains twice the vitamin-C of an orange. We all know how important vitamin-C is for fighting off illness. Vitamin-C can also assist the skin with the production of collagen to maintain a healthy, youthful appearance. Vitamin-C protects the body by neutralizing the effect of free radical damage. Kiwi fruit are also a source of antioxidants which can assist with DNA repair.
Kiwi fruit are a low calorie food at around 90 calories per each piece of fruit. Despite this the fruit contains high amounts of dietary fiber. This creates a feeling of fullness when eaten, which can benefit those who are trying to lose weight. The high dietary fiber also benefits good digestion. Moreover in the case of digestion, kiwi fruit also contains enzymes which assist with the break down of protein.

Another more surprising benefit of kiwi fruit is the effect it has on sleep. Kiwi fruits facilitate better and more restorative sleep.
There is only one negative and that appears to be a potential allergic reaction. Be wary, those who have a latex allergy may also be allergic to kiwi fruit. Consult a physician if his is a concern.

With this all in mind the next time you go grocery shopping load up on a few more kiwis. Eat them for a snack, make them the main item in a fruit salad, even next to a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast.

Here is a video demonstrating the best way to peel a kiwi fruit.

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