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Sunday, November 5, 2017

Why is Juicing so good for you?

Juicing is becoming more and more popular. Being a regular feature topic on talk shows segments, news articles, and dedicated social media groups advocating the practice. Though some are still not convinced or understand why the practice of juicing carries so many benefits. Read on to improve your understanding.

Juicing helps you absorb all the nutrients from fruits and vegetables. This is important because most of us have impaired digestion as a result of making less than optimal food choices over many years. Juicing allows the consumption of a healthier amount of vegetables in an efficient manner. Virtually every health authority recommends that we get six to eight servings of vegetables and fruits per day and very few of us actually get that. These foods carry an abundance of energy and nutrients like potassium calcium, magnesium, folic acid, iron and more, not to mention digestive enzymes. This all supports health and prevents disease. When consuming fruits and vegetables like this try mixing the different juices and receive a wide array of nutrients in a single drink. Try combining granny smith apple juice with celery juice. The sweet tart from the apple will cover the hard taste from the celery which is an added benefit.
Juicing makes it easier to access the nutrients in hard root vegetables like ginger and beets. These root plant foods possess a wealth of beneficial nutrients. Ginger can boost the immune system and sooth nausea and beets are rich in nitrates which are beneficial to blood pressure. Being able to juice them breaks down the tough solid substance of these vegetables leaving only the beneficial liquid within.
By now everyone has heard about the popular wheat and barley grasses. Though only way to effectively access the health benefits of these grasses is to juice them. Here is the nutrient profile of barley grass juice alone. Barley is a multi-nutrient rich super food loaded with vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) and vitamin K(phylloquinone). It contains an abundance of electrolytes such as magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium along with other essential minerals such as zinc, iron, and calcium. Barley grass is also a rich provider of powerful antioxidants, essential amino acids, and beneficial enzymes.
Barley grass has impressive antioxidants. Along with vitamin E and beta-carotene, barley grass is the most potent supplier of healthy and critical enzyme superoxide dismutase which helps to neutralize the effects of oxygen free radicals produced during energy metabolism. The protective action of these radical scavengers prevents the development of a wide array of diseases caused by oxidative stress. Pretty impressive for just a few blades of grass. There are other grain grasses that offer a full range of unique nutrients as well such as wheat grass, millet grass, rye grass and more.
If you need more convincing, juicing helps with weight loss. Try replacing a meal with a couple of fresh juices for a week and observe the results when you step on the scale. 
So now that you know the benefits of juicing what is the best option for juicing appliances. The best choice is the classic stand by, the Omega Juicer. Fortunately this juicer can do so much more than just juice, it can make pasta, it can make nut butters, and even begin the process of making tofu. It is also great at juicing the fine micro greens like barley grass and green sprouts. Also this is one of the most affordable and high quality juicers available.

Incorporating regular juicing can make a tremendous difference in health. Take this important step and invest in your health.

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