First thing

Monday, July 31, 2017

The surprising egg replacement

Aquafaba also known as bean water. Yes, it sounds weird but it may be a new essential for plant based cooking when an egg replacement is needed. Essentially brine from chickpeas this can be used as an egg substitute because of its function as an emulsifier, leavening agent, and foaming agent. The simplest way to obtain this substance is from a can of garbanzo/chick peas.
The water that the beans are soaking in are exactly what is needed. How does this bean water function as a replacement for eggs? The protein. Eggs possess protein which acts as a binder in various dishes. Aquafaba behaves in the same way creating a similar binding effect. Aquafaba is flavorless so don't worry about your pastries having a beany taste. Another option is using white beans. Even better garbanzo beans are far less costly than eggs and far more healthy. See the video tutorial below to learn how to create Aquafaba from scratch.

For more culinary information about Aquafaba follow the link >>HERE.

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